domenica 8 maggio 2011

Dropbox shell uploader

The simplicity of Dropbox usage, having an mount point in own hard disk, and the web interface are excelent features, the multiplatform possibility is also great for people, need to work in different devices, with different operating systems.
In these days there are many other options like Microsoft SkyDrive or the new Amazon Cloud Drive.
For MacOsx, Linux and Windows users it's possible to use the official DropBox client to syncronize files.
If you have one or more sites to maintain, you can also use DropBox for performing site backups, like the data in filesystem or the database dumps, and like many shared hosting accounts you cannot install the DropBox Client, so after some investigation I found some good alternatives:

DropBox Uploaders

Ruby DropboxUploader - an simple Ruby Class provided as a ruby gem, so just install it using: gem install dropboxuploader

PHP Dropbox Uploader - an simple PHP Class, just download it and use php command on it

Bash Script DropBox Uploader - a simple script writed in Shell Scripting

Other info here

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